Cool jeep (we traded in the pickup)
Someone actually mined out here! (about 50 miles from the pavement)
Mariscal mine
Mariscal mine (the smelter)
Mariscal mine view
Mariscal mine (sealed off shaft)
Mariscal mine (bat shelter)
Now it's getting fun!
Mariscal mine (the smelter needs some repair)
Mariscal mine (looks like someone got stuck in the sand)
Donkey Ears (After we got stuck in the sand and dug the jeep out with our hands and had a flat 20 min later)
Back to our room
Don't want to be in these parts when it rains hard!
Heading back to Alpine (pretty straight road)
Train is late so we went to the McDonald Observatory
Doesn't feel that high
McDonald Observatory
View from the McDonald Observatory
Killer butterfly
Laser rang-finding system at McDonald Observatory measures the distance to the moon
Now this looks like it's getting fun!
McDonald Observatory (This one only cost $18M!)